Microneedling/Collagen Induction Therapy

  • Microneedling/Collagen Induction Therapy

    Microneedling, also called Collagen Induction Therapy, is a clinically proven treatment that treats a variety of concerns, including fine lines and wrinkles, texture and tone, hyperpigmentation, acne scarring, non-raised keloid scarring, stretch marks, hair thinning, dermatitis, active acne, and rosacea. Treatments are minimally invasive, virtually pain-free and do not require lengthy recovery times. This minimally invasive treatment stimulates your skin’s natural ability to repair itself and maximizes collagen and elastin production, by creating thousands of precise micro-injuries to the dermis. Patients in their 20s and 30s are beginning to move towards this treatment to prevent future wrinkles. Maintain now, skip the botox later!

    Results are cumulative and desired improvement is typically achieved within 1 to 3 treatment sessions done at 4-8 week intervals. The procedure typically takes 45 minutes to perform, and patients are numbed for a painless experience. A clinically proven skin boosting serum is used with every microneedling session and a Stem Growth Factor Solution is also available for those who want to maximize their results. Results will last for several years but ultimately depend upon your habits.

Full Face

Using a skin boosting serum thousands of precise micro-injuries to the dermis will be created. Patient’s are numbed prior to the procedure and can expect to be done within 45 minutes. This procedure treats fine lines, wrinkles, texture, hyperpigmentation, acne scarring, dermatitis, acne, & rosacea. Downtime is minimal and you can resume wearing makeup within 24-48 hours.

Full Face (With Growth Factor Serum)

Using skin growth factor while creating thousands of precise micro-injuries to the dermis produces faster results. Growth factors support cellular renewal & have potent regenerating properties to improve skin firmness as well as elasticity. Patients are numbed prior & can expect to be done within 45 mins. Downtime is minimal and you can resume wearing makeup within 24-48 hours.

Full Face & Fine Lines (With Growth Factor Serum)

Using a skin growth factor derived from human cells thousands of precise micro-injuries to the dermis will be created. These growth factors support cellular renewal and have potent regenerating properties to improve skin firmness, elasticity, and tone. In conjunction with typical microneedling a single needle is also used to target fine lines on the face. Patients are numbed prior to the procedure and can expect to be done within 1 hour. This procedure treats fine lines and wrinkles, texture and tone, hyperpigmentation, acne scarring, dermatitis, active acne, and rosacea.

Fine Lines

Using a skin boosting serum your fine lines are targeted individually using a special needle and an advanced technique. Patients are numbed prior to the procedure and can expect to be done within 30 minutes per section.

Stretch Mark Rejuvenation

Stretch marks occur when skin stretches beyond its power of flexibility. As the collagen weakens the appearance of lighter skin & or redness occurs, leaving you behind with stretch marks. Using a skin boosting serum thousands of micro injuries are created to rebuild collagen & elastin. Patients are numbed prior to the procedure. Procedure time depends upon area & size being treated.

Hair Restoration (With Hair Growth Serum)

Thousands of micro injuries are created using a serum with growth factors that are naturally found in healthy young hair follicles. These growth factors may rejuvenate damaged hair follicles stimulating new hair growth. Patients are numbed prior to the procedure. Procedure time depends upon area & size being treated.

Scar Regeneration (surgical and non-surgical)

Do you have a scar you’d like to get rid of? Whether it be surgical or non-surgical, we can help diminish & or erase the appearance of your scar. Using a skin boosting serum micro-injuries are created to break up the mangled collagen creating your scar. Patients are numbed prior to the procedure. Procedure time depends upon area & size being treated.